Our Experts

Dr. John Ng

Dr. John Ng, his astute observations, personal experiences and careful research will provide a concise guide to cultivating your passion, excellence and resilience in life.

Having coached many individuals to their full potential, John now shares in this micro-learning series his knowledge and experience with the clear aim of unleashing your greatness through the power of self-leadership.

Suketu Kohli

Suketu is an alumni of INSEAD with a Master in Change. He is a Strategic HR consultant and has worked in leadership roles in the HR functions of large corporates. He has led Change initiatives for organisations in the Financial Services & Retail industry. He has also consulted and trained for Change Management within Organisations in the Energy, Manufacturing & Services sectors.

Dr. Meadows

Dr. Meadows also writes for Forbes, CIO Outlook, HRM Asia, and others.
Awarded as one of Asia’s Top-10 Women in IT, Dr. Meadows leads an Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center at S P Jain School of Global Management — a Forbes Top-20 International Business School — creating growth initiatives at the intersection of IT, business strategy, and design.
She has designed and delivered executive education independently and with leading business schools like INSEAD, AIM, NUS, and SMU. Her research, teaching, consulting, and coaching span Design Thinking, Leadership, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, and the Future of Work (FoW) and Education (FoE).

Joanne Flinn

Author, Change Visionary, Keynote Speaker.Author of ‘the Success Healthcheck’ (Wiley 2010), and editor of ‘New Eyes, the Human Side of Change Leadership’(2013), Joanne’s expertise is the human side of change leadership, business transformation and program management.Following a successful professional career on the DBS IT Exco and as head of the Financial Services Consulting Practice Group at PricewaterhouseCoopers (Thailand), she co-founded ‘The Change Leaders’ in conjunction with HÈC Paris and Oxford University UK to help organizations positively address the human side of change.

Jon-Hans Coetzer UNIP LDA

John-Hans Coetzer is an education and training leader with over 15 years of experience. His domain of expertise covers:

  • Quality assurance and student learning outcomes assessment for the 21st century
  • Faculty development for transformational learning
  • Curriculum design and high-impact educational practices
  • Strategic planning for transformation
  • Leadership education
  • Enrolment management: face-to-face to blended learning
  • Strategic collaborative partnerships
  • Accreditation

Strong intercultural competencies, and experience working with students, colleagues and external constituencies from 35+ countries.

Peggy Liu

As TIME’s Hero of the Environment and “China’s Green Goddess,” Peggy Liu is one of the highest profile environmentalists in the world. Now she shares practical, immediately actionable advice to help raise your media profile from her personal experiences. Peggy has helped hundreds of women leaders create their personal brand, get more press time, and look great doing it.

As the best-selling author of Mesmerize the Media: Maximize Your Impact With More Press, Peggy coaches women leaders on personal branding and transformational speaking. She brings about the rise of the Divine Feminine by strengthening the voices of women in the media.

Peggy is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and the recipient of the 2020 International Professional Women’s Association Lifetime Achievement Award. She was awarded the “Nobel” of climate change and the “Hillary Step”. The Economist called her “one of the most innovative thinkers in Asia.” Previously, she was a venture capitalist and founded one of the earliest ecommerce companies in Silicon Valley. Red Herring cover story dubbed her an “Internet Pioneer”.

Swee Heng Tan

Swee Heng Tan specialises in high performance leadership, mindset and culture change. He is accredited as a Professional Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation, USA and also partners Korn Ferry as their external consultant and coach. The author of “Coaching In The Moment — How busy leaders can make more impact with less time”, Swee Heng is a well-grounded leadership coach who helps his clients to develop practical and effective solutions for sustained change and impact.

Samuel M. Lam

Samuel M. Lam, President of Linkage Asia, is a leading practitioner of leadership development and an executive coach to numerous notable CEOs, top government officials, and Board members in Asia. With over 20 years of experience in leadership development, organization development consulting, and market leadership, Sam is known for his highly regarded programs created for both local and global clients.

Jennifer Saunders

Jennifer Saunders is a Film Media Literacy Educator, Producer and the Founder of People 4 People Productions and Pioneer of Film Media Literacy Education. As a NYC High School Video Production Teacher, Rutgers University Film Studies Adjunct Professor, and Video Production Teaching Artist, She’s used Film Media Literacy Education to inspire thousands of students to see the world globally and to take ownership of their learning. She loves the world of moving images and believes in the power of telling ordinary people’s stories to bring joy, lift spirits, and see the world we live in, in exciting new ways. She also loves to laugh, make new friends, listen to music, dance, garden, experiment with all things art, hang out with old folks, babies and the great outdoors.

David Tan

David has been with the Singapore Polyechnic since 2003. He teaches a wide variety of finance-related subjects such as credit risk analysis, financial markets, trade finance, derivative and financial management.

Prior to being a lecturer, he spent 10 years in the corporate and investment banking industry. His last position was VP of Corporate Clientele Management at a French investment bank.

Sylvain Mahe

Enterprise Agile Coach, Gnowbe Academy

Sylvain Mahe started his career as a software developer and is leading today the largest team of agile experts in Singapore. He developed this course based on his decade of experience as a trainer, mentor, facilitator and coach with both start-ups and big established companies.

Angeline Koh

Principal Story Coach, Founder of Tyros Global

Angeline calls herself a Techie Senior, a Digital Immigrant Thriving in a Digital Native World. Since 2010, she has been coaching individuals, marketplace professionals, and communities to DIY their stories (videos) aptly retold for this digital age.
She is also a 6Xs Caregiver. She says, “Five of my loved ones have passed on. Caring for them has taught me empathy. It has shaped who I am and why I do what I do. I have an extraordinary reservoir of patience to help seniors and non-techies overcome their tech fears. I make learning fun!”
Angeline Koh is the Principal Story Coach and Founder of Tyros Global (https://tyros.sg/). She is also one of the world’s first Gnowbe Accredited Mobile Micro-Learning Instructional Designer.

Dr. Yvonne Sum CSP

Dr. Yvonne Sum is a published international author on leadership and strategy that crosses the contexts of both home and work. In the capacity of an executive coach and corporate trainer, she works with executive decision makers from the West entering the emerging markets of the East to seamlessly shift their contextual intelligence. As one of only 267 female CSPs in the world, she has presented alongside Edward de Bono, Tony Buzan, Tun Dr Mahathir, Howard Gardner, Ram Charan and Jack Canfield.